Wu Chun (left) and Han Geng (right) bond as brothers in their film "My Kingdom."
Wu, who initially became well known as a model, hit the big time after landing roles in Taiwanese dramas and joining Fahrenheit in 2005.
Wu was in Shanghai in early 2011 to shoot his latest movie escapade “My Kingdom,” and sat down to chat about everything from opening his third gym in his home country of Brunei, to bonding with fellow actors on the movie set -- and of course, Fahrenheit.
CNNGo: You've been in Shanghai shooting your new film for a while, so what's your impression the city?
Wu Chun: I like Shanghai a lot. Because it’s the city where I spend most time in China, I’m quite familiar with it. When I get time off the set, I walk around the city and take lots of photos.CNNGo: Where do you hang out after work when you're in Shanghai?
Wu Chun: I will mostly go to eat; I rarely just hang out when I'm here. When I go to get food, I usually go to special streets. Some areas of Shanghai are very pretty and have a lot of character. I like going to Tianzifang a lot -- I enjoy hanging out there and taking pictures.
CNNGo: Are you a fan of Shanghai cuisine?
Wu Chun: Yes! There are many Shanghainese dishes that I like including sweet and sour ribs, dongpo pork and a local kind of pickle. There's also a smoked fish they make here that I love because it's very sweet. I'm hungry just talking about this!CNNGo: You're a major Asian star. How do you disguise yourself when walking around Shanghai?
Wu Chun: I usually wear masks, hats and sunglasses to make it difficult to recognize me. I have to do stuff like this even during very hot summers, so you can imagine how hard my life is! [Laughs]CNNGo: What if people recognize you?
Wu Chun: Even if people do recognize me -- which very rarely happens -- it doesn't really matter because I walk very fast and fly off.CNNGo: Let’s talk about "My Kingdom." How is it different from the other period dramas you've done?
Wu Chun: Because part of "My Kingdom" is about Peking opera, I learned a bit about it and got some training -- so that was very different, I had never tried these things before.
Wu Chun (top) and Han Geng (bottom) in their film "My Kingdom" with none of the Fahrenheit guys in sight.
CNNGo: So you can sing like a Peking opera star now?
Wu Chun: A bit. A month before shooting, we got training from professional opera singers, and during shooting we were in communication every day. We spent three months together from beginning to end.CNNGo: "My Kingdom" deals with two kinds of relationships: one of brotherhood and one of love. Which touches you more?
Wu Chun: This movie is more about brotherhood to me. Before the shooting, the director Gao Xiaosong arranged for [co-star] Han Geng and I to get acquainted so we would be able to portray that feeling better.CNNGo: How were you able to build your bond with Han Geng?
Wu Chun: Gao arranged for Han and I to have dinner, just the two of us, before shooting. I think having meals is a good way to bond because you have to come up with topics to talk about. Han and I chatted about everything -- food, hobbies and feelings about the movie.Through that we were able to really get to know each other.
CNNGo: What have you been up to since finishing "My Kingdom"?
Wu Chun: Lately I’ve been busy with records and promotions. My new gym location in Brunei is about to open as well, so I’m swamped with that.CNNGo: Are you still working with Fahrenheit?
Wu Chun: Yes, I still do shows with them. Because I did two movies this year and spent lots of time promoting those, I didn't spend as much time with Fahrenheit as I have before though, which feels very different for me.
CNNGo: How is promoting your own work different than promoting Fahrenheit?
Wu Chun: When I’m being interviewed exclusively, I can be more like me, but if I am interviewed together with Fahrenheit, we have to appear as a team.I will be very happy if I can accomplish all these things.
CNNGo: What are the upcoming movies you'll be working on and promoting?
Wu Chun: One movie I'll be promoting is, of course, "My Kingdom" and the other is a Taiwanese drama "Sunshine Angel" which I shot in Shanghai, Taiwan and Japan.CNNGo: Tell us more about your book.
Wu Chun: I really want to publish a book, and if it's successful, I'll write two or three more and donate the profits to charity.CNNGo: What will the books be about?
Wu Chun: The content of the first book is still confidential, but it'll be good!CNNGo: On an "attractiveness scale" of one to 10, where would you put your looks?
Wu Chun: Let me think. [Pauses.] I'd say I'm a 7.5 of 10 so I have 2.5 is left over for me to improve.
So much of life is not about the looks though, it's about what's inside. You have to prove yourself to you and to other people. It’s hard to be perfect.
CNNGo: So, what’s your ideal girlfriend like then?
Wu Chun: I’m a simple guy looking for a simple girl. I don’t care about looks at all, to be honest. I’ve seen many pretty girls, but pretty girls can’t necessarily make you happy. You should pick someone who really fits you to make you happy. As long as she’s a responsible person who’s willing to share everything with me, she's my ideal girlfriend. I want to be with someone who won't hold anything back, someone who chooses me because she really loves me.
This article been taken from CNNGo.com [Exclusive Interview of Wu Chun]
They say love does not really make the world go round but it does make the ride worthwhile,well I have not so many strong relationship in life to say so but I know one thing, loving someone cannot make you feel complete, wholeness has to come from within,self love is a step of loving someone else, cause if a person we love fall short of our expectations then we have ourselves still to pull us through, what makes life so unbearable is our disappointments because we shape it in certain realities that are far from what it truly is, that I stand to observe, to understand, to fully grasp, to take risk, to have faith then take action....then let go, I have learned that the hard way that sometimes we think we have control in things that happen in our lives but the truth is we can only plan do our part and cross our fingers and hope for the best, I just hope in my choices I choose things that what really matters to me, things that are not fleeting but eternal. :-) Cheers!!!!
J.D. Salinger Novel Catcher in the Rye "'The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause while the mark of the mature man is that wants to live humbly for one'"(p. 188). ah simplicity is humulity ahihihi cheers!!!!
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_does_The_mark_of_the_immature_man_is_that_he_wants_to_die_nobly_for_a_cause_while_the_mark_of_the_mature_man_is_that_he_wants_to_live_humbly_for_one_mean#ixzz1GBEJxPF8
Stories to tell: I had the privilege to sit in a painless seminar the most intellectual people after the Lehman Fiasco, and the speaker was talking about what went wrong well it seems that everyone in Lehman in Wallstreet were the best of the Crop (turned out to be crap) but there are things in a company that can not be measured by simply looking at the financial statements...Calvin Chen would probably understand me, these are call uncontrollable variables, thus to support my first statement above, hoping college kids learns from me here...these are under the waterlines factors in corporate term, corporate values drive the goals of a company and it can also bring a company to it's doom! In relationship expectations are everything the more you have it towards a person the doom the relationship is...so keep it simple!!!! Cheers :-)
I want to share this song with you Chun....ahihihi I really like this song is so realistic...Fast Car By tracy chapman-Boyce Avenue I also play the guitar it has great plucking!!!!
Its below the waterline iceberg analogy not under the waterlines ha my memory is getting worst...shoot!!!!
I wonder How Chunnie is?I wrote this for you...
Title:Losing Immortality
Joy finally filled my heart, as an Angel I grew my wings,
With a harp I blissfully sing,
I searched the sky high and low for a being to protect with my light,
Then I found you sitting alone a man playing with his little toys at your bedside,
Yes I heard your lonely screams and it brought me to tears as I touch your shoulder,
Love flowed out of me, words from the far distant stars and widest galaxies, I felt you shudder,
Yes it was me you Guardian Angel, I kept you warm during cold winter nights and kept the wind blowing underneath the blazing sun,
I hushed the screaming child within the bulging chest of a man,
The wild cherry blossoms bloomed like snow underneath the midnight moon,
But it withered and wilted without me knowing, it was gone too soon,
An angel with broken wings who lost her immortality, in your eyes a silhouette,
On my knees as I pray for hope to embrace me, I cling to my final breathe,
I paid the price of a forbidden love, a foolish act of fantasy
Where thou art oh Romeo, why thou art abandoned me,
I clutched my chest and hugged my knees as I bleed for eternity,
Let me return to dust and be one with the wind, or come back to me with all honesty.
Coreections: Where art thou oh Romeo, why have thou abandoned thee...
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