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Friday, January 14, 2011

Aaron Yan rumoured to be in bad terms with Jiro Wang.

Rumours have been stucked along with Fahrenheit since their debut.Now its getting hotter day by day that Aaron don't get along with Jiro.

After starring in the drama KO One in 2005, the members of Fahrenheit , Aaron yan, Jiro Wang and Calvin Chen shot to fame along with Taiwanese actor Danson Tang.

After that project completion a long time ago, its just the last december that the show's production crew wanted to shoot a sequel,but the project has now been postponed indefinitely.

The script is believed to be delayed as Aaron decided to quit the production after discovering that he would play second male lead to Jiro's
lead role. The two are said to be on bad terms with each other, not getting along well.

In previous interviews, Aaron reportedly said that he did not feel that his popularity was less than the other members. He even added that the other members were unhappy because he received more attention. However, the singer neither acknowledged nor denied when a reporter asked if the member who was "unhappy" is actually Jiro Wang.

Aaron is mute about this on his weibo, on the other hand , Aaron's manager denied the rumour, saying that the sequel was shelved because the producer wanted to come up with a better script. As Aaron would be releasing his solo EP after the Lunar New Year, it is unconfirmed if he would be able to take on the project.Aaron's manager also said that its just a "friendly competition", and its usual for having this in between friends.

Note:  At first I decided to not put this article up. But, I think we all know and understand our idols much better than these reporters, so, I finally putting forward this one. I wish that it won't be affecting our love for them .

Source: ChinaTimes


raelyn said...

what a sad article ...
but then i won't believe on that ..
i know that sometimes it's natural that they also experience arguing with each other but then i am sure that they won't let that kind of misunderstandings ruin their friendship..

raelyn said...

i am one hundred percent sure that they are fine with each other ..
if the article there was true ..well then i guess i'm the first one to get hurt ...

Fiona Lai said...

That's quite sad, but it's just a rumor.. -.-
maybe is it because Jiro starred in a movie "ToGetHer" with co-star rainie yang? And Aaron yan did mention he did have feelings for rainie. Is it jealously? Because he still hasn't starred in a movie or taiwanese drama with rainie..?o.O aww lol!! wish they wouldn't be having a bad friendship, I really love both of them and calvin!! xD <3 <3

Yaluncute said...

@raelyn Well.. Better to believe and have faith in them ...

@lingling96 Umm.. Didn't thought about Rainie concept.. !! But that was quite long ago ... I wish they always be gr8 frnds ...

Fiona Lai said...

@Yaluncute yeah i wish that they would be gr8 friends too!!! >v< But I just watched 'Ai Dao' and it looks like Jiro was like a really nice bro to him!! (: ♥ he even wiped his tears for aaron!! ^v^ ♥ ~so sweet!!~ just don't get why would they be on bad terms.. ):
I even love aaron & Jiro & calvin :D ♥

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